

The useOptimisticRoute hook lets client components peek into the future state of the router. This hook is used to check if the router is transitioning, and if so what page is being loaded.


To use the useOptimisticRoute hook:

// src/pages/client-component.tsx

"use client";

import { useRouter } from "@twofold/framework/use-router";
import { useOptimisticRoute } from "@twofold/framework/use-optimistic-route";

export default function ClientComponent() {
  let router = useRouter();
  let optimisticRoute = useOptimisticRoute();

  return (
      <p>The current path is {router.path} and the router is...</p>

      {optimisticRoute.isTransitioning ? (
        <p>Transitioning to {optimisticRoute.path}</p>
      ) : (
        <p>Not transitioning</p>

The useOptimisticRoute hook can only be used in client components since it is a reactive hook that updates and re-renders as users navigate between pages.

Transitioning state

While the router is transitioning to a new page, the isTransitioning property will be true. This is useful for styling UI elements to indicate that a page is loading.

// src/pages/client-component.tsx

"use client";

import { Link } from "@twofold/framework/link";
import { useRouter } from "@twofold/framework/use-router";
import { useOptimisticRoute } from "@twofold/framework/use-optimistic-route";

export default function ClientComponent() {
  let router = useRouter();
  let optimisticRoute = useOptimisticRoute();

  return (
          optimisticRoute.isTransitioning &&
          optimisticRoute.path === "/settings" &&
          router.path !== "/settings"
            ? "animate-pulse"
            : ""

In the example above, the Settings link will pulse when the user clicks the link to the page. However, the link will not pulse if the user is already on the settings page.

Settled state

When the router is not transitioning, the path and searchParams properties will reflect the current path and search params of the router.

// src/pages/client-component.tsx

"use client";

import { useRouter } from "@twofold/framework/use-router";
import { useOptimisticRoute } from "@twofold/framework/use-optimistic-route";

export default function ClientComponent() {
  let router = useRouter();
  let optimisticRoute = useOptimisticRoute();

  // when the router is in a settled state...

  optimisticRoute.isTransitioning; // => false
  router.path === optimisticRoute.path; // => true
  router.searchParams === optimisticRoute.searchParams; // => true

  // ...

This is where the name "optimistic route" comes from. While transitioning, the hook provides an optimistic view of the future state of the router, but once settled it provides the current state.

Return values

The values returned by useOptimisticRoute:

// src/pages/client-component.tsx

"use client";

import { useRouter } from "@twofold/framework/use-router";

function ClientComponent() {
  let { isTransitioning, path, searchParams } = useOptimisticRoute();

  // ...

The useOptimisticRoute hook returns an object with the following properties:

pathstringThe future path of the router.
searchParamsURLSearchParamsThe future search params.
isTransitioningbooleanA boolean that flips to true when the router is loading a page.